Kata Kunci:
Bhabinkamtibmas, Aplikasi E-Binmas, implementasi, optimalisasiAbstrak
Polda DIY dalam rangka menciptakan harkamtibmas yang kondusif menuju percepatan pembangunan dan masyarakat yang sejahtera adil dan makmur, meluncurkan terobosan kreatif berupa aplikasi sistem pelaporan “E-Binmas dan Siap Kawal Desa” yang berfungsi memudahkan tugas Bhabinkamtibmas di seluruh wilayah hukum Polda DIY. Aplikasi e-Binmas Jogja dipelopori oleh Ditbinmas Polda DIY ini sebagai upaya optimalisasi kinerja dan sarana pelaporan bagi pengemban fungsi Bhabinkamtibmas dalam melaporkan kegiatan dan situasi Desa termasuk pendistribusian Dana Desa di seluruh kelurahan. Aplikasi e-Binmas Jogja merupakan aplikasi pelaporan bagi Bhabinkamtibmas secara online yang bertujuan untuk mendukung kinerja bhabinkamtibmas. Dengan adanya aplikasi E-Binmas ini, para Bhabinkamtibmas dapat melaporkan kegiatan didesanya masing-masing dengan mudah, cepat dan efisien, sehingga berbagai kemudahan banyak didapat dengan satu macam aplikasi saja. Kaitannya dengan era milenial antara fakta dan kebenaran sesuatu yang berbeda, namun berbanding terbalik dengan kebenaran. Seorang Polisi harus bisa membedakan antara fakta dan kebenaran. Kita harus cerdas dalam penggunaannya sehingga tidak terhanyut dalam persepsi yang berbeda. Supaya masyarakat diberitahu soal penggunaan media sosial. Emotional Quotion penting dan ESQ penting, dan sekarang lebih penting lagi soal Digital Quotion. Jadi kita harus cerdas dalam penggunaan media social. Penelitian ini berfokus kepada implementasi penerapan program E Binmas untuk Bhabinkamtibmas dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat dengan intensitas waktu kinerja 1x24 jam di wilayah hukum Polresta Sleman. Hasil penelitian ini adalah 1) mengetahui isi aplikasi ( sambang, binluh, deteksi, problem solving, dan inovasi; 2) penilaian kinerja berdasarkan jenis kegiatan dan jumlah skor; 3) reward punishment. 4) mengetahui bahwa strategi penerapan aplikasi E-Binmas dapat mengoptimalkan kinerja Bhabinkamtibmas.
Polda DIY in order to create Harkamtibmas that is conducive to accelerating development and a society that is prosperous, just and prosperous, launched a creative breakthrough in the form of the application of the reporting system "E-Binmas and Ready to Guard the Village" which functions to facilitate the task of Bhabinkamtibmas in all jurisdictions of Polda DIY. The Jogja e-Binmas application was pioneered by Ditbinmas Polda DIY as an effort to optimize performance and reporting facilities for those carrying the Bhabinkamtibmas function in reporting Village activities and situations including the distribution of Village Funds throughout all sub-districts. The Jogja e-Binmas application is a reporting application for Bhabinkamtibmas online which aims to support the performance of bhabinkamtibmas. With this E-Binmas application, Bhabinkamtibmas can report activities in their respective villages easily, quickly and efficiently, so that many conveniences can be obtained with just one type of application. The connection with the millennial era between facts and the truth is something different, but inversely proportional to the truth. A police officer must be able to distinguish between facts and truth. We must be smart in its use so that we don't drift into different perceptions. So that people are informed about the use of social media. Emotional Quotion is important and ESQ is important, and now it's even more important when it comes to Digital Quotion. So we have to be smart in using social media. This research focuses on the implementation of the E Binmas program for Bhabinkamtibmas in providing services to the community with an intensity of 1 x 24 hour performance time in the jurisdiction of the Sleman Police. The results of this study are 1) knowing the contents of the application (sambang, binluh, detection, problem solving, and innovation; 2) assessing performance based on the type of activity and total score; 3) reward punishment. 4) knowing that the strategy for implementing the E-Binmas application can optimize the performance of Bhabinkamtibmas.