Kata Kunci:
: Inovasi Strategi Mata Kuliah, Event entrepreneur, KKN-T, EntrepreneurshipAbstrak
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif-kuantitatif, dimana pendekatan kualitatif digunakan untuk deskriptif inovasi startegi yang diterapkan STIE Bima, sementara pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis besar pengaruh konstruk laten endogen atau variabel independent (Bebas) terhadap konstuk laten eksogen atau varibale dependend (Terikat). Penelitian dilakukan pada mahasiswa semester VII STIE Bima dengan jumlah mahasiswa yang mengisi kusioner adalah 80 mahasiswa. Adapun hasil penelitian diperoleh Variabel Mata Kuliah Entrepreneurp (X1) berpengaruh pada Entrepreneruship Mahaiswa (Y) ditandai dengan nilai T-Statistik = 2,672 > T-Tabel = 1,99 dan nilai P values = 0,0254 < signifikan= 0,05. Hal yang sama pula terjadi pada variabel Event entrepreneur (X2) berpengaruh terhadap variabel Entrepreneruship Mahasiswa (Y), hal itu ditandai dengan nilai T-Statistik = 25,877 > T-Tabel = 1,99 dan nilai P values = 0,000 < signifikan= 0,05. Begitupun dengan Variabel KKN-T Entrepreneur (X3) berpengaruh terhadap Variabel Entrepreneurship Mahaiswa (Y) hal itu ditandai dengan nilai T-Statistik = 6,673 > T-Tabel = -1,99 dengan P value = 0,008 < sig = 0,05 maka dapat dikatakan bahwa terdapat pengaruh dan sugnifikan antara variabel tersebut.
This research is a qualitative-quantitative research, where a qualitative approach is used to describe the strategic innovation implemented by STIE Bima, while a quantitative approach is used to analyze the magnitude of the influence of endogenous latent constructs or independent variables (Free) on exogenous latent constructs or dependent variables (Bound). The research was conducted on seventh semester students at STIE Bima with the number of students who filled out the questionnaire being 80 students. The research results showed that the Entrepreneur Subject Variable (X1) had an effect on Student Entrepreneurship (Y), indicated by the T-Statistics value = 2.672 > T-Table = 1.99 and the P value = 0.0254 < significant = 0.05. The same thing also happens to the Event entrepreneur variable (X2) which influences the Student Entrepreneurship variable (Y), this is indicated by the T-Statistics value = 25.877 > T-Table = 1.99 and the P value = 0.000 < significant = 0, 05. Likewise, the KKN-T Entrepreneur Variable (X3) has an effect on the Student Entrepreneurship Variable (Y). This is indicated by the T-Statistics value = 6.673 > T-Table = -1.99 with P value = 0.008 < sig = 0.05, so it can be It is said that there is influence and significance between these variables.