Kata Kunci:
Etika Profesi, Etika Bisnis, PLN, Implementasi Etika, Kinerja, Tata KelolaAbstrak
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi etika profesi dan bisnis di kantor PLN ULP Medan Timur, dengan fokus pada pemahaman karyawan terhadap kode etik, pelaksanaan etika dalam kegiatan operasional, serta dampaknya terhadap kinerja dan reputasi perusahaan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara mendalam, observasi, dokumentasi, dan penyebaran kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas karyawan memahami kode etik perusahaan, namun tingkat pemahaman mendalam mengenai prosedur pelaporan dan sanksi masih bervariasi. Pelaksanaan etika sehari-hari telah berjalan baik, meskipun beberapa karyawan menghadapi dilema etis terkait tekanan target kerja. Pengawasan terhadap pelanggaran etika sudah dilakukan dengan baik, namun budaya keterbukaan dalam melaporkan pelanggaran masih perlu ditingkatkan. Dari perspektif pelanggan, sebagian besar merasa puas dengan pelayanan PLN, meskipun ada keluhan terkait kecepatan respon dalam menangani masalah teknis. Implementasi etika yang baik di PLN ULP Medan Timur berdampak positif terhadap kinerja karyawan dan meningkatkan kepercayaan serta kepuasan pelanggan. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan peningkatan pelatihan etika, penguatan sistem whistleblower, serta peningkatan transparansi dan kecepatan dalam pelayanan. Dengan perbaikan pada area-area tersebut, diharapkan implementasi etika di PLN ULP Medan Timur dapat berjalan lebih optimal dan berkelanjutan.
This research aims to analyze the implementation of professional and business ethics at the PLN ULP Medan Timur office, focusing on employees' understanding of the code of ethics, the execution of ethics in operational activities, and its impact on the company's performance and reputation. The research method used is qualitative descriptive, with data collection techniques including in-depth interviews, observation, documentation, and the distribution of questionnaires. The research results show that the majority of employees understand the company's code of ethics, but the level of deep understanding regarding reporting procedures and sanctions still varies. The implementation of daily ethics has been going well, although some employees are facing ethical dilemmas related to work target pressures. Supervision of ethical violations has been carried out well, but the culture of openness in reporting violations still needs to be improved. From the customer's perspective, most feel satisfied with PLN's service, although there are complaints regarding the speed of response in addressing technical issues. The implementation of good ethics at PLN ULP Medan Timur has a positive impact on employee performance and enhances customer trust and satisfaction. This research recommends enhancing ethics training, strengthening the whistleblower system, as well as improving transparency and speed in service delivery. With improvements in those areas, it is hoped that the implementation of ethics at PLN ULP Medan Timur can run more optimally and sustainably.