Kata Kunci:
Pendapatan, Keuntungan, Usaha Peternakan, Ayam Kampung PedagingAbstrak
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis penerimaan,biaya produksi dan keutungan pada usaha peternakan ayam kampung pedaging Ten Brothers. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan diusaha peternakan ayam kampung pedaging (Ten Brothers) melalui pendekatan studi kasus dengan menggunakan data primer dan sekunder. Analisis deskrispsi digunakan mendapatkan gambaran pendapatan dan biaya produksi dari usaha peternakan ayam kampung pedaging Ten Brothers penelitian. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa besarnya biaya tetap yang dikeluarkan sebesar Rp. 71.230.000, dan biaya variabel sebesar Rp. 105.272.500. Biaya produksi untuk kapasitas usaha sebanyak 5000 ekor ayam kampung pedaging sebesar Rp. 114.472.498, total penerimaan sebesar Rp. 175.800.000, dan total pendapatan atau keuntungan peternak sebesar Rp. 10.967.502. Berdasarkan hasil analisa, penerimaan dari usaha peternakan ayam kampung pedaging Ten Brothers sebesar Rp. 175.800.000/periode produksi, dengan mengeluarkan biaya produksi sebesar Rp. 114.472.498/periode produksi, total pendapatan yang diperoleh sebesar Rp. 10.967.502/periode produksi. Revenue cost rasio (R/C Rasio) usaha peternakan ayam kampung Ten Brothers diperoleh nilai sebesar 1,06 dan usaha peternakan ayam kampung pedaging Ten Brothers layak untuk dijalankan.
The objective of this research is to analyze the revenue, production costs, and profit of the Ten Brothers village chicken farming business. This study was conducted at the Ten Brothers village chicken farm using a case study approach, incorporating both primary and secondary data. Descriptive analysis was utilized to obtain an overview of the income and production costs associated with the Ten Brothers village chicken farming operation. The results of the analysis indicated that the total fixed costs amounted to Rp. 71,230,000, while the variable costs were Rp. 105,272,500. The total production cost for a capacity of 5,000 village chickens was Rp. 114,472,498, and the total revenue reached Rp. 175,800,000, resulting in a net income or profit for the farmer of Rp. 10,967,502. Based on the analysis, the revenue from the Ten Brothers village chicken farming business is Rp. 175,800,000 per production period, with production costs of Rp. 114,472,498 per production period, yielding a total profit of Rp. 10,967,502 per production period. The revenue-cost ratio (R/C ratio) for the Ten Brothers village chicken farming operation was calculated to be 1.06, indicating that this venture is viable for continuation.